Friday, October 3, 2008 and Tagging

I found the exercise interesting on a lot of different levels. My first impression was that the topics and the categories were too broad to be of much use. In viewing the tags listed with each of the articles, again the tags were too broad. I think you would be successful more by luck than by design, unless you had arranged for a group of people to work on a set project.

I gained a slightly different view after reading "Social Media for Business - Who's Doing it Well & How" by Lidija Davis on Read Right Web . The grouping of people into categories and targeting your message is not new, however the desire and opportunity for people to interact is new. I expect it will be a gradual shift to exploring opportunities. The social media exist because a large number of people have a desire to interact and it is new. It assumes people have the time and desire to so.

The last line in the article I think would give someone pause for thought. "And her final tip? "Realize that you will have to give up the fallacy that you have control"".

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